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by default php having 156 classes and 2590 method function. dont believe try yourself.

by default php having 156 classes and 2590 method function. dont believe  try yourself.

 echo  "<pre>";
 foreach ($array as $key  ) {
  echo $key;
  echo "=>";
  foreach ($arr as $ke) {
  echo $ke." , ";
  echo "<br/><br/><br/>";

 echo $m; echo "<br/>";
 echo $clas;



Exception=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

ErrorException=>__construct , getSeverity , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

Closure=>bind , bindTo , 

Generator=>rewind , valid , current , key , next , send , throw , __wakeup , 

DateTime=>__construct , __wakeup , __set_state , createFromFormat , getLastErrors , format , modify , add , sub , getTimezone , setTimezone , getOffset , setTime , setDate , setISODate , setTimestamp , getTimestamp , diff , 

DateTimeImmutable=>__construct , __wakeup , __set_state , createFromFormat , getLastErrors , format , getTimezone , getOffset , getTimestamp , diff , modify , add , sub , setTimezone , setTime , setDate , setISODate , setTimestamp , createFromMutable , 

DateTimeZone=>__construct , __wakeup , __set_state , getName , getOffset , getTransitions , getLocation , listAbbreviations , listIdentifiers , 

DateInterval=>__construct , __wakeup , __set_state , format , createFromDateString , 

DatePeriod=>__construct , __wakeup , __set_state , getStartDate , getEndDate , getDateInterval , 

LogicException=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

BadFunctionCallException=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

BadMethodCallException=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

DomainException=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

InvalidArgumentException=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

LengthException=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

OutOfRangeException=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

RuntimeException=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

OutOfBoundsException=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

OverflowException=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

RangeException=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

UnderflowException=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

UnexpectedValueException=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

RecursiveIteratorIterator=>__construct , rewind , valid , key , current , next , getDepth , getSubIterator , getInnerIterator , beginIteration , endIteration , callHasChildren , callGetChildren , beginChildren , endChildren , nextElement , setMaxDepth , getMaxDepth , 

IteratorIterator=>__construct , rewind , valid , key , current , next , getInnerIterator , 

FilterIterator=>__construct , rewind , valid , key , current , next , getInnerIterator , accept , 

RecursiveFilterIterator=>__construct , hasChildren , getChildren , rewind , valid , key , current , next , getInnerIterator , accept , 

CallbackFilterIterator=>__construct , accept , rewind , valid , key , current , next , getInnerIterator , 

RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator=>__construct , hasChildren , getChildren , accept , rewind , valid , key , current , next , getInnerIterator , 

ParentIterator=>__construct , accept , hasChildren , getChildren , rewind , valid , key , current , next , getInnerIterator , 

LimitIterator=>__construct , rewind , valid , key , current , next , seek , getPosition , getInnerIterator , 

CachingIterator=>__construct , rewind , valid , key , current , next , hasNext , __toString , getInnerIterator , getFlags , setFlags , offsetGet , offsetSet , offsetUnset , offsetExists , getCache , count , 

RecursiveCachingIterator=>__construct , hasChildren , getChildren , rewind , valid , key , current , next , hasNext , __toString , getInnerIterator , getFlags , setFlags , offsetGet , offsetSet , offsetUnset , offsetExists , getCache , count , 

NoRewindIterator=>__construct , rewind , valid , key , current , next , getInnerIterator , 

AppendIterator=>__construct , append , rewind , valid , key , current , next , getInnerIterator , getIteratorIndex , getArrayIterator , 

InfiniteIterator=>__construct , next , rewind , valid , key , current , getInnerIterator , 

RegexIterator=>__construct , accept , getMode , setMode , getFlags , setFlags , getPregFlags , setPregFlags , getRegex , rewind , valid , key , current , next , getInnerIterator , 

RecursiveRegexIterator=>__construct , accept , hasChildren , getChildren , getMode , setMode , getFlags , setFlags , getPregFlags , setPregFlags , getRegex , rewind , valid , key , current , next , getInnerIterator , 

EmptyIterator=>rewind , valid , key , current , next , 

RecursiveTreeIterator=>__construct , rewind , valid , key , current , next , beginIteration , endIteration , callHasChildren , callGetChildren , beginChildren , endChildren , nextElement , getPrefix , setPrefixPart , getEntry , setPostfix , getPostfix , getDepth , getSubIterator , getInnerIterator , setMaxDepth , getMaxDepth , 

ArrayObject=>__construct , offsetExists , offsetGet , offsetSet , offsetUnset , append , getArrayCopy , count , getFlags , setFlags , asort , ksort , uasort , uksort , natsort , natcasesort , unserialize , serialize , getIterator , exchangeArray , setIteratorClass , getIteratorClass , 

ArrayIterator=>__construct , offsetExists , offsetGet , offsetSet , offsetUnset , append , getArrayCopy , count , getFlags , setFlags , asort , ksort , uasort , uksort , natsort , natcasesort , unserialize , serialize , rewind , current , key , next , valid , seek , 

RecursiveArrayIterator=>hasChildren , getChildren , __construct , offsetExists , offsetGet , offsetSet , offsetUnset , append , getArrayCopy , count , getFlags , setFlags , asort , ksort , uasort , uksort , natsort , natcasesort , unserialize , serialize , rewind , current , key , next , valid , seek , 

SplFileInfo=>__construct , getPath , getFilename , getExtension , getBasename , getPathname , getPerms , getInode , getSize , getOwner , getGroup , getATime , getMTime , getCTime , getType , isWritable , isReadable , isExecutable , isFile , isDir , isLink , getLinkTarget , getRealPath , getFileInfo , getPathInfo , openFile , setFileClass , setInfoClass , _bad_state_ex , __toString , 

DirectoryIterator=>__construct , getFilename , getExtension , getBasename , isDot , rewind , valid , key , current , next , seek , __toString , getPath , getPathname , getPerms , getInode , getSize , getOwner , getGroup , getATime , getMTime , getCTime , getType , isWritable , isReadable , isExecutable , isFile , isDir , isLink , getLinkTarget , getRealPath , getFileInfo , getPathInfo , openFile , setFileClass , setInfoClass , _bad_state_ex , 

FilesystemIterator=>__construct , rewind , next , key , current , getFlags , setFlags , getFilename , getExtension , getBasename , isDot , valid , seek , __toString , getPath , getPathname , getPerms , getInode , getSize , getOwner , getGroup , getATime , getMTime , getCTime , getType , isWritable , isReadable , isExecutable , isFile , isDir , isLink , getLinkTarget , getRealPath , getFileInfo , getPathInfo , openFile , setFileClass , setInfoClass , _bad_state_ex , 

RecursiveDirectoryIterator=>__construct , hasChildren , getChildren , getSubPath , getSubPathname , rewind , next , key , current , getFlags , setFlags , getFilename , getExtension , getBasename , isDot , valid , seek , __toString , getPath , getPathname , getPerms , getInode , getSize , getOwner , getGroup , getATime , getMTime , getCTime , getType , isWritable , isReadable , isExecutable , isFile , isDir , isLink , getLinkTarget , getRealPath , getFileInfo , getPathInfo , openFile , setFileClass , setInfoClass , _bad_state_ex , 

GlobIterator=>__construct , count , rewind , next , key , current , getFlags , setFlags , getFilename , getExtension , getBasename , isDot , valid , seek , __toString , getPath , getPathname , getPerms , getInode , getSize , getOwner , getGroup , getATime , getMTime , getCTime , getType , isWritable , isReadable , isExecutable , isFile , isDir , isLink , getLinkTarget , getRealPath , getFileInfo , getPathInfo , openFile , setFileClass , setInfoClass , _bad_state_ex , 

SplFileObject=>__construct , rewind , eof , valid , fgets , fgetcsv , fputcsv , setCsvControl , getCsvControl , flock , fflush , ftell , fseek , fgetc , fpassthru , fgetss , fscanf , fwrite , fread , fstat , ftruncate , current , key , next , setFlags , getFlags , setMaxLineLen , getMaxLineLen , hasChildren , getChildren , seek , getCurrentLine , __toString , getPath , getFilename , getExtension , getBasename , getPathname , getPerms , getInode , getSize , getOwner , getGroup , getATime , getMTime , getCTime , getType , isWritable , isReadable , isExecutable , isFile , isDir , isLink , getLinkTarget , getRealPath , getFileInfo , getPathInfo , openFile , setFileClass , setInfoClass , _bad_state_ex , 

SplTempFileObject=>__construct , rewind , eof , valid , fgets , fgetcsv , fputcsv , setCsvControl , getCsvControl , flock , fflush , ftell , fseek , fgetc , fpassthru , fgetss , fscanf , fwrite , fread , fstat , ftruncate , current , key , next , setFlags , getFlags , setMaxLineLen , getMaxLineLen , hasChildren , getChildren , seek , getCurrentLine , __toString , getPath , getFilename , getExtension , getBasename , getPathname , getPerms , getInode , getSize , getOwner , getGroup , getATime , getMTime , getCTime , getType , isWritable , isReadable , isExecutable , isFile , isDir , isLink , getLinkTarget , getRealPath , getFileInfo , getPathInfo , openFile , setFileClass , setInfoClass , _bad_state_ex , 

SplDoublyLinkedList=>pop , shift , push , unshift , top , bottom , isEmpty , setIteratorMode , getIteratorMode , count , offsetExists , offsetGet , offsetSet , offsetUnset , add , rewind , current , key , next , prev , valid , unserialize , serialize , 

SplQueue=>enqueue , dequeue , pop , shift , push , unshift , top , bottom , isEmpty , setIteratorMode , getIteratorMode , count , offsetExists , offsetGet , offsetSet , offsetUnset , add , rewind , current , key , next , prev , valid , unserialize , serialize , 

SplStack=>pop , shift , push , unshift , top , bottom , isEmpty , setIteratorMode , getIteratorMode , count , offsetExists , offsetGet , offsetSet , offsetUnset , add , rewind , current , key , next , prev , valid , unserialize , serialize , 

SplHeap=>extract , insert , top , count , isEmpty , rewind , current , key , next , valid , recoverFromCorruption , 

SplMinHeap=>extract , insert , top , count , isEmpty , rewind , current , key , next , valid , recoverFromCorruption , 

SplMaxHeap=>extract , insert , top , count , isEmpty , rewind , current , key , next , valid , recoverFromCorruption , 

SplPriorityQueue=>compare , insert , setExtractFlags , top , extract , count , isEmpty , rewind , current , key , next , valid , recoverFromCorruption , 

SplFixedArray=>__construct , __wakeup , count , toArray , fromArray , getSize , setSize , offsetExists , offsetGet , offsetSet , offsetUnset , rewind , current , key , next , valid , 

SplObjectStorage=>attach , detach , contains , addAll , removeAll , removeAllExcept , getInfo , setInfo , getHash , count , rewind , valid , key , current , next , unserialize , serialize , offsetExists , offsetSet , offsetUnset , offsetGet , 

MultipleIterator=>__construct , getFlags , setFlags , attachIterator , detachIterator , containsIterator , countIterators , rewind , valid , key , current , next , 

ReflectionException=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

Reflection=>getModifierNames , export , 

ReflectionFunctionAbstract=>__toString , inNamespace , isClosure , isDeprecated , isInternal , isUserDefined , isGenerator , isVariadic , getClosureThis , getClosureScopeClass , getDocComment , getEndLine , getExtension , getExtensionName , getFileName , getName , getNamespaceName , getNumberOfParameters , getNumberOfRequiredParameters , getParameters , getShortName , getStartLine , getStaticVariables , returnsReference , 

ReflectionFunction=>__construct , __toString , export , isDisabled , invoke , invokeArgs , getClosure , inNamespace , isClosure , isDeprecated , isInternal , isUserDefined , isGenerator , isVariadic , getClosureThis , getClosureScopeClass , getDocComment , getEndLine , getExtension , getExtensionName , getFileName , getName , getNamespaceName , getNumberOfParameters , getNumberOfRequiredParameters , getParameters , getShortName , getStartLine , getStaticVariables , returnsReference , 

ReflectionParameter=>export , __construct , __toString , getName , isPassedByReference , canBePassedByValue , getDeclaringFunction , getDeclaringClass , getClass , isArray , isCallable , allowsNull , getPosition , isOptional , isDefaultValueAvailable , getDefaultValue , isDefaultValueConstant , getDefaultValueConstantName , isVariadic , 

ReflectionMethod=>export , __construct , __toString , isPublic , isPrivate , isProtected , isAbstract , isFinal , isStatic , isConstructor , isDestructor , getClosure , getModifiers , invoke , invokeArgs , getDeclaringClass , getPrototype , setAccessible , inNamespace , isClosure , isDeprecated , isInternal , isUserDefined , isGenerator , isVariadic , getClosureThis , getClosureScopeClass , getDocComment , getEndLine , getExtension , getExtensionName , getFileName , getName , getNamespaceName , getNumberOfParameters , getNumberOfRequiredParameters , getParameters , getShortName , getStartLine , getStaticVariables , returnsReference , 

ReflectionClass=>export , __construct , __toString , getName , isInternal , isUserDefined , isInstantiable , isCloneable , getFileName , getStartLine , getEndLine , getDocComment , getConstructor , hasMethod , getMethod , getMethods , hasProperty , getProperty , getProperties , hasConstant , getConstants , getConstant , getInterfaces , getInterfaceNames , isInterface , getTraits , getTraitNames , getTraitAliases , isTrait , isAbstract , isFinal , getModifiers , isInstance , newInstance , newInstanceWithoutConstructor , newInstanceArgs , getParentClass , isSubclassOf , getStaticProperties , getStaticPropertyValue , setStaticPropertyValue , getDefaultProperties , isIterateable , implementsInterface , getExtension , getExtensionName , inNamespace , getNamespaceName , getShortName , 

ReflectionObject=>export , __construct , __toString , getName , isInternal , isUserDefined , isInstantiable , isCloneable , getFileName , getStartLine , getEndLine , getDocComment , getConstructor , hasMethod , getMethod , getMethods , hasProperty , getProperty , getProperties , hasConstant , getConstants , getConstant , getInterfaces , getInterfaceNames , isInterface , getTraits , getTraitNames , getTraitAliases , isTrait , isAbstract , isFinal , getModifiers , isInstance , newInstance , newInstanceWithoutConstructor , newInstanceArgs , getParentClass , isSubclassOf , getStaticProperties , getStaticPropertyValue , setStaticPropertyValue , getDefaultProperties , isIterateable , implementsInterface , getExtension , getExtensionName , inNamespace , getNamespaceName , getShortName , 

ReflectionProperty=>export , __construct , __toString , getName , getValue , setValue , isPublic , isPrivate , isProtected , isStatic , isDefault , getModifiers , getDeclaringClass , getDocComment , setAccessible , 

ReflectionExtension=>export , __construct , __toString , getName , getVersion , getFunctions , getConstants , getINIEntries , getClasses , getClassNames , getDependencies , info , isPersistent , isTemporary , 

ReflectionZendExtension=>export , __construct , __toString , getName , getVersion , getAuthor , getURL , getCopyright , 

SessionHandler=>open , close , read , write , destroy , gc , create_sid , 


php_user_filter=>filter , onCreate , onClose , 

Directory=>close , rewind , read , 

ZipArchive=>open , setPassword , close , getStatusString , addEmptyDir , addFromString , addFile , addGlob , addPattern , renameIndex , renameName , setArchiveComment , getArchiveComment , setCommentIndex , setCommentName , getCommentIndex , getCommentName , deleteIndex , deleteName , statName , statIndex , locateName , getNameIndex , unchangeArchive , unchangeAll , unchangeIndex , unchangeName , extractTo , getFromName , getFromIndex , getStream , setExternalAttributesName , setExternalAttributesIndex , getExternalAttributesName , getExternalAttributesIndex , 


DOMException=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

DOMStringList=>item , 

DOMNameList=>getName , getNamespaceURI , 

DOMImplementationList=>item , 

DOMImplementationSource=>getDomimplementation , getDomimplementations , 

DOMImplementation=>getFeature , hasFeature , createDocumentType , createDocument , 

DOMNode=>insertBefore , replaceChild , removeChild , appendChild , hasChildNodes , cloneNode , normalize , isSupported , hasAttributes , compareDocumentPosition , isSameNode , lookupPrefix , isDefaultNamespace , lookupNamespaceUri , isEqualNode , getFeature , setUserData , getUserData , getNodePath , getLineNo , C14N , C14NFile , 


DOMDocumentFragment=>__construct , appendXML , insertBefore , replaceChild , removeChild , appendChild , hasChildNodes , cloneNode , normalize , isSupported , hasAttributes , compareDocumentPosition , isSameNode , lookupPrefix , isDefaultNamespace , lookupNamespaceUri , isEqualNode , getFeature , setUserData , getUserData , getNodePath , getLineNo , C14N , C14NFile , 

DOMDocument=>createElement , createDocumentFragment , createTextNode , createComment , createCDATASection , createProcessingInstruction , createAttribute , createEntityReference , getElementsByTagName , importNode , createElementNS , createAttributeNS , getElementsByTagNameNS , getElementById , adoptNode , normalizeDocument , renameNode , load , save , loadXML , saveXML , __construct , validate , xinclude , loadHTML , loadHTMLFile , saveHTML , saveHTMLFile , schemaValidate , schemaValidateSource , relaxNGValidate , relaxNGValidateSource , registerNodeClass , insertBefore , replaceChild , removeChild , appendChild , hasChildNodes , cloneNode , normalize , isSupported , hasAttributes , compareDocumentPosition , isSameNode , lookupPrefix , isDefaultNamespace , lookupNamespaceUri , isEqualNode , getFeature , setUserData , getUserData , getNodePath , getLineNo , C14N , C14NFile , 

DOMNodeList=>item , 

DOMNamedNodeMap=>getNamedItem , setNamedItem , removeNamedItem , item , getNamedItemNS , setNamedItemNS , removeNamedItemNS , 

DOMCharacterData=>substringData , appendData , insertData , deleteData , replaceData , insertBefore , replaceChild , removeChild , appendChild , hasChildNodes , cloneNode , normalize , isSupported , hasAttributes , compareDocumentPosition , isSameNode , lookupPrefix , isDefaultNamespace , lookupNamespaceUri , isEqualNode , getFeature , setUserData , getUserData , getNodePath , getLineNo , C14N , C14NFile , 

DOMAttr=>isId , __construct , insertBefore , replaceChild , removeChild , appendChild , hasChildNodes , cloneNode , normalize , isSupported , hasAttributes , compareDocumentPosition , isSameNode , lookupPrefix , isDefaultNamespace , lookupNamespaceUri , isEqualNode , getFeature , setUserData , getUserData , getNodePath , getLineNo , C14N , C14NFile , 

DOMElement=>getAttribute , setAttribute , removeAttribute , getAttributeNode , setAttributeNode , removeAttributeNode , getElementsByTagName , getAttributeNS , setAttributeNS , removeAttributeNS , getAttributeNodeNS , setAttributeNodeNS , getElementsByTagNameNS , hasAttribute , hasAttributeNS , setIdAttribute , setIdAttributeNS , setIdAttributeNode , __construct , insertBefore , replaceChild , removeChild , appendChild , hasChildNodes , cloneNode , normalize , isSupported , hasAttributes , compareDocumentPosition , isSameNode , lookupPrefix , isDefaultNamespace , lookupNamespaceUri , isEqualNode , getFeature , setUserData , getUserData , getNodePath , getLineNo , C14N , C14NFile , 

DOMText=>splitText , isWhitespaceInElementContent , isElementContentWhitespace , replaceWholeText , __construct , substringData , appendData , insertData , deleteData , replaceData , insertBefore , replaceChild , removeChild , appendChild , hasChildNodes , cloneNode , normalize , isSupported , hasAttributes , compareDocumentPosition , isSameNode , lookupPrefix , isDefaultNamespace , lookupNamespaceUri , isEqualNode , getFeature , setUserData , getUserData , getNodePath , getLineNo , C14N , C14NFile , 

DOMComment=>__construct , substringData , appendData , insertData , deleteData , replaceData , insertBefore , replaceChild , removeChild , appendChild , hasChildNodes , cloneNode , normalize , isSupported , hasAttributes , compareDocumentPosition , isSameNode , lookupPrefix , isDefaultNamespace , lookupNamespaceUri , isEqualNode , getFeature , setUserData , getUserData , getNodePath , getLineNo , C14N , C14NFile , 


DOMUserDataHandler=>handle , 


DOMErrorHandler=>handleError , 


DOMConfiguration=>setParameter , getParameter , canSetParameter , 

DOMCdataSection=>__construct , splitText , isWhitespaceInElementContent , isElementContentWhitespace , replaceWholeText , substringData , appendData , insertData , deleteData , replaceData , insertBefore , replaceChild , removeChild , appendChild , hasChildNodes , cloneNode , normalize , isSupported , hasAttributes , compareDocumentPosition , isSameNode , lookupPrefix , isDefaultNamespace , lookupNamespaceUri , isEqualNode , getFeature , setUserData , getUserData , getNodePath , getLineNo , C14N , C14NFile , 

DOMDocumentType=>insertBefore , replaceChild , removeChild , appendChild , hasChildNodes , cloneNode , normalize , isSupported , hasAttributes , compareDocumentPosition , isSameNode , lookupPrefix , isDefaultNamespace , lookupNamespaceUri , isEqualNode , getFeature , setUserData , getUserData , getNodePath , getLineNo , C14N , C14NFile , 

DOMNotation=>insertBefore , replaceChild , removeChild , appendChild , hasChildNodes , cloneNode , normalize , isSupported , hasAttributes , compareDocumentPosition , isSameNode , lookupPrefix , isDefaultNamespace , lookupNamespaceUri , isEqualNode , getFeature , setUserData , getUserData , getNodePath , getLineNo , C14N , C14NFile , 

DOMEntity=>insertBefore , replaceChild , removeChild , appendChild , hasChildNodes , cloneNode , normalize , isSupported , hasAttributes , compareDocumentPosition , isSameNode , lookupPrefix , isDefaultNamespace , lookupNamespaceUri , isEqualNode , getFeature , setUserData , getUserData , getNodePath , getLineNo , C14N , C14NFile , 

DOMEntityReference=>__construct , insertBefore , replaceChild , removeChild , appendChild , hasChildNodes , cloneNode , normalize , isSupported , hasAttributes , compareDocumentPosition , isSameNode , lookupPrefix , isDefaultNamespace , lookupNamespaceUri , isEqualNode , getFeature , setUserData , getUserData , getNodePath , getLineNo , C14N , C14NFile , 

DOMProcessingInstruction=>__construct , insertBefore , replaceChild , removeChild , appendChild , hasChildNodes , cloneNode , normalize , isSupported , hasAttributes , compareDocumentPosition , isSameNode , lookupPrefix , isDefaultNamespace , lookupNamespaceUri , isEqualNode , getFeature , setUserData , getUserData , getNodePath , getLineNo , C14N , C14NFile , 

DOMStringExtend=>findOffset16 , findOffset32 , 

DOMXPath=>__construct , registerNamespace , query , evaluate , registerPhpFunctions , 

PDOException=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

PDO=>__construct , prepare , beginTransaction , commit , rollBack , inTransaction , setAttribute , exec , query , lastInsertId , errorCode , errorInfo , getAttribute , quote , __wakeup , __sleep , getAvailableDrivers , 

PDOStatement=>execute , fetch , bindParam , bindColumn , bindValue , rowCount , fetchColumn , fetchAll , fetchObject , errorCode , errorInfo , setAttribute , getAttribute , columnCount , getColumnMeta , setFetchMode , nextRowset , closeCursor , debugDumpParams , __wakeup , __sleep , 


SimpleXMLElement=>__construct , asXML , saveXML , xpath , registerXPathNamespace , attributes , children , getNamespaces , getDocNamespaces , getName , addChild , addAttribute , __toString , count , 

SimpleXMLIterator=>rewind , valid , current , key , next , hasChildren , getChildren , __construct , asXML , saveXML , xpath , registerXPathNamespace , attributes , children , getNamespaces , getDocNamespaces , getName , addChild , addAttribute , __toString , count , 

XMLReader=>close , getAttribute , getAttributeNo , getAttributeNs , getParserProperty , isValid , lookupNamespace , moveToAttributeNo , moveToAttribute , moveToAttributeNs , moveToElement , moveToFirstAttribute , moveToNextAttribute , open , read , next , readInnerXml , readOuterXml , readString , setSchema , setParserProperty , setRelaxNGSchema , setRelaxNGSchemaSource , XML , expand , 

XMLWriter=>openUri , openMemory , setIndent , setIndentString , startComment , endComment , startAttribute , endAttribute , writeAttribute , startAttributeNs , writeAttributeNs , startElement , endElement , fullEndElement , startElementNs , writeElement , writeElementNs , startPi , endPi , writePi , startCdata , endCdata , writeCdata , text , writeRaw , startDocument , endDocument , writeComment , startDtd , endDtd , writeDtd , startDtdElement , endDtdElement , writeDtdElement , startDtdAttlist , endDtdAttlist , writeDtdAttlist , startDtdEntity , endDtdEntity , writeDtdEntity , outputMemory , flush , 

CURLFile=>__construct , getFilename , getMimeType , setMimeType , getPostFilename , setPostFilename , __wakeup , 

Collator=>__construct , create , compare , sort , sortWithSortKeys , asort , getAttribute , setAttribute , getStrength , setStrength , getLocale , getErrorCode , getErrorMessage , getSortKey , 

NumberFormatter=>__construct , create , format , parse , formatCurrency , parseCurrency , setAttribute , getAttribute , setTextAttribute , getTextAttribute , setSymbol , getSymbol , setPattern , getPattern , getLocale , getErrorCode , getErrorMessage , 

Normalizer=>normalize , isNormalized , 

Locale=>getDefault , setDefault , getPrimaryLanguage , getScript , getRegion , getKeywords , getDisplayScript , getDisplayRegion , getDisplayName , getDisplayLanguage , getDisplayVariant , composeLocale , parseLocale , getAllVariants , filterMatches , lookup , canonicalize , acceptFromHttp , 

MessageFormatter=>__construct , create , format , formatMessage , parse , parseMessage , setPattern , getPattern , getLocale , getErrorCode , getErrorMessage , 

IntlDateFormatter=>__construct , create , getDateType , getTimeType , getCalendar , getCalendarObject , setCalendar , getTimeZoneId , setTimeZoneId , getTimeZone , setTimeZone , setPattern , getPattern , getLocale , setLenient , isLenient , format , formatObject , parse , localtime , getErrorCode , getErrorMessage , 

ResourceBundle=>__construct , create , get , count , getLocales , getErrorCode , getErrorMessage , 

Transliterator=>create , createFromRules , createInverse , listIDs , transliterate , getErrorCode , getErrorMessage , 

IntlTimeZone=>createTimeZone , fromDateTimeZone , createDefault , getGMT , getUnknown , createEnumeration , countEquivalentIDs , createTimeZoneIDEnumeration , getCanonicalID , getRegion , getTZDataVersion , getEquivalentID , getID , useDaylightTime , getOffset , getRawOffset , hasSameRules , getDisplayName , getDSTSavings , toDateTimeZone , getErrorCode , getErrorMessage , 

IntlCalendar=>createInstance , getKeywordValuesForLocale , getNow , getAvailableLocales , get , getTime , setTime , add , setTimeZone , after , before , set , roll , clear , fieldDifference , getActualMaximum , getActualMinimum , getDayOfWeekType , getFirstDayOfWeek , getGreatestMinimum , getLeastMaximum , getLocale , getMaximum , getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek , getMinimum , getTimeZone , getType , getWeekendTransition , inDaylightTime , isEquivalentTo , isLenient , isSet , isWeekend , setFirstDayOfWeek , setLenient , setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek , equals , getRepeatedWallTimeOption , getSkippedWallTimeOption , setRepeatedWallTimeOption , setSkippedWallTimeOption , fromDateTime , toDateTime , getErrorCode , getErrorMessage , 

IntlGregorianCalendar=>__construct , setGregorianChange , getGregorianChange , isLeapYear , createInstance , getKeywordValuesForLocale , getNow , getAvailableLocales , get , getTime , setTime , add , setTimeZone , after , before , set , roll , clear , fieldDifference , getActualMaximum , getActualMinimum , getDayOfWeekType , getFirstDayOfWeek , getGreatestMinimum , getLeastMaximum , getLocale , getMaximum , getMinimalDaysInFirstWeek , getMinimum , getTimeZone , getType , getWeekendTransition , inDaylightTime , isEquivalentTo , isLenient , isSet , isWeekend , setFirstDayOfWeek , setLenient , setMinimalDaysInFirstWeek , equals , getRepeatedWallTimeOption , getSkippedWallTimeOption , setRepeatedWallTimeOption , setSkippedWallTimeOption , fromDateTime , toDateTime , getErrorCode , getErrorMessage , 

Spoofchecker=>__construct , isSuspicious , areConfusable , setAllowedLocales , setChecks , 

IntlException=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

IntlIterator=>current , key , next , rewind , valid , 

IntlBreakIterator=>createWordInstance , createLineInstance , createCharacterInstance , createSentenceInstance , createTitleInstance , createCodePointInstance , getText , setText , first , last , previous , next , current , following , preceding , isBoundary , getLocale , getPartsIterator , getErrorCode , getErrorMessage , 

IntlRuleBasedBreakIterator=>__construct , getRules , getRuleStatus , getRuleStatusVec , getBinaryRules , createWordInstance , createLineInstance , createCharacterInstance , createSentenceInstance , createTitleInstance , createCodePointInstance , getText , setText , first , last , previous , next , current , following , preceding , isBoundary , getLocale , getPartsIterator , getErrorCode , getErrorMessage , 

IntlCodePointBreakIterator=>getLastCodePoint , createWordInstance , createLineInstance , createCharacterInstance , createSentenceInstance , createTitleInstance , createCodePointInstance , getText , setText , first , last , previous , next , current , following , preceding , isBoundary , getLocale , getPartsIterator , getErrorCode , getErrorMessage , 

IntlPartsIterator=>getBreakIterator , current , key , next , rewind , valid , 

UConverter=>__construct , setSourceEncoding , setDestinationEncoding , getSourceEncoding , getDestinationEncoding , getSourceType , getDestinationType , getSubstChars , setSubstChars , toUCallback , fromUCallback , convert , transcode , getErrorCode , getErrorMessage , reasonText , getAvailable , getAliases , getStandards , 

mysqli_sql_exception=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 


mysqli=>autocommit , begin_transaction , change_user , character_set_name , close , commit , connect , dump_debug_info , debug , get_charset , get_client_info , get_connection_stats , get_server_info , get_warnings , init , kill , multi_query , mysqli , more_results , next_result , options , ping , poll , prepare , query , real_connect , real_escape_string , reap_async_query , escape_string , real_query , release_savepoint , rollback , savepoint , select_db , set_charset , set_opt , ssl_set , stat , stmt_init , store_result , thread_safe , use_result , refresh , 

mysqli_warning=>next , 

mysqli_result=>__construct , close , free , data_seek , fetch_field , fetch_fields , fetch_field_direct , fetch_all , fetch_array , fetch_assoc , fetch_object , fetch_row , field_seek , free_result , 

mysqli_stmt=>__construct , attr_get , attr_set , bind_param , bind_result , close , data_seek , execute , fetch , get_warnings , result_metadata , more_results , next_result , num_rows , send_long_data , free_result , reset , prepare , store_result , get_result , 

PharException=>__construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , __toString , 

Phar=>__construct , __destruct , addEmptyDir , addFile , addFromString , buildFromDirectory , buildFromIterator , compressFiles , decompressFiles , compress , decompress , convertToExecutable , convertToData , copy , count , delete , delMetadata , extractTo , getAlias , getPath , getMetadata , getModified , getSignature , getStub , getVersion , hasMetadata , isBuffering , isCompressed , isFileFormat , isWritable , offsetExists , offsetGet , offsetSet , offsetUnset , setAlias , setDefaultStub , setMetadata , setSignatureAlgorithm , setStub , startBuffering , stopBuffering , apiVersion , canCompress , canWrite , createDefaultStub , getSupportedCompression , getSupportedSignatures , interceptFileFuncs , isValidPharFilename , loadPhar , mapPhar , running , mount , mungServer , unlinkArchive , webPhar , hasChildren , getChildren , getSubPath , getSubPathname , rewind , next , key , current , getFlags , setFlags , getFilename , getExtension , getBasename , isDot , valid , seek , __toString , getPathname , getPerms , getInode , getSize , getOwner , getGroup , getATime , getMTime , getCTime , getType , isReadable , isExecutable , isFile , isDir , isLink , getLinkTarget , getRealPath , getFileInfo , getPathInfo , openFile , setFileClass , setInfoClass , _bad_state_ex , 

PharData=>__construct , __destruct , addEmptyDir , addFile , addFromString , buildFromDirectory , buildFromIterator , compressFiles , decompressFiles , compress , decompress , convertToExecutable , convertToData , copy , count , delete , delMetadata , extractTo , getAlias , getPath , getMetadata , getModified , getSignature , getStub , getVersion , hasMetadata , isBuffering , isCompressed , isFileFormat , isWritable , offsetExists , offsetGet , offsetSet , offsetUnset , setAlias , setDefaultStub , setMetadata , setSignatureAlgorithm , setStub , startBuffering , stopBuffering , apiVersion , canCompress , canWrite , createDefaultStub , getSupportedCompression , getSupportedSignatures , interceptFileFuncs , isValidPharFilename , loadPhar , mapPhar , running , mount , mungServer , unlinkArchive , webPhar , hasChildren , getChildren , getSubPath , getSubPathname , rewind , next , key , current , getFlags , setFlags , getFilename , getExtension , getBasename , isDot , valid , seek , __toString , getPathname , getPerms , getInode , getSize , getOwner , getGroup , getATime , getMTime , getCTime , getType , isReadable , isExecutable , isFile , isDir , isLink , getLinkTarget , getRealPath , getFileInfo , getPathInfo , openFile , setFileClass , setInfoClass , _bad_state_ex , 

PharFileInfo=>__construct , __destruct , chmod , compress , decompress , delMetadata , getCompressedSize , getCRC32 , getContent , getMetadata , getPharFlags , hasMetadata , isCompressed , isCRCChecked , setMetadata , getPath , getFilename , getExtension , getBasename , getPathname , getPerms , getInode , getSize , getOwner , getGroup , getATime , getMTime , getCTime , getType , isWritable , isReadable , isExecutable , isFile , isDir , isLink , getLinkTarget , getRealPath , getFileInfo , getPathInfo , openFile , setFileClass , setInfoClass , _bad_state_ex , __toString , 

SoapClient=>SoapClient , __call , __soapCall , __getLastRequest , __getLastResponse , __getLastRequestHeaders , __getLastResponseHeaders , __getFunctions , __getTypes , __doRequest , __setCookie , __getCookies , __setLocation , __setSoapHeaders , 

SoapVar=>SoapVar , 

SoapServer=>SoapServer , setPersistence , setClass , setObject , addFunction , getFunctions , handle , fault , addSoapHeader , 

SoapFault=>SoapFault , __toString , __construct , getMessage , getCode , getFile , getLine , getTrace , getPrevious , getTraceAsString , 

SoapParam=>SoapParam , 

SoapHeader=>SoapHeader , 

SQLite3=>open , close , exec , version , lastInsertRowID , lastErrorCode , lastErrorMsg , busyTimeout , loadExtension , changes , escapeString , prepare , query , querySingle , createFunction , createAggregate , createCollation , openBlob , enableExceptions , __construct , 

SQLite3Stmt=>paramCount , close , reset , clear , execute , bindParam , bindValue , readOnly , 

SQLite3Result=>numColumns , columnName , columnType , fetchArray , reset , finalize , 

XSLTProcessor=>importStylesheet , transformToDoc , transformToUri , transformToXml , setParameter , getParameter , removeParameter , hasExsltSupport , registerPHPFunctions , setProfiling , setSecurityPrefs , getSecurityPrefs , 



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